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I Am Ben Haran, the Restorer of paths to dwell, a Son of God, an Israelite, an enlightened soul, a watchman. I Am here to direct the lost tribes of Israel and the multitudes to righteousness, peace, faithfulness, charity, and unity. The umbrella exemplify the main paths to restore the Sabbaths, till the soil, seek the seven spirits, and stop the four horsemen. Fulfillment of these duties will cast out the devil, and be a light to the Gentiles, and bring everlasting life in the flesh, here on Earth. This is God’s plan from the beginning. I dedicate this book to my God, AbbA Father, which gave me the faith to believe the truth, and become righteous through KUW, Knowledge. Understanding and Wisdom. Thank AbbA for my Seven Spirits. So let me pray and cry for the Adoption of AbbA Israelites. Plus the power and wisdom, to till the soil by recycling Earth and rebuking evil.

Once we are behind the Shield, Earth will be like the Garden of Eden and humans will be ready to live here forever as God planned. Help build the Shield.

Become united entities under one umbrella.

AbbA Israelites - Shield of Faith

SKU: 366615376135191

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  • AbbA Israelites - Shield of Faith tells how to stop evil from aproaching you and how we can bury the Devil. Let's stand behind the Shield of Faith.

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