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God’s Plan comes directly from the King James Version Bible, translations by Ben Haran. You’ll hear the bible telling you God’s plan for you, the people, Earth, and God (AbbA Father). I have gone to and fro through the scriptures, to bring God’s Plan directly to you. As you read God’s Plan, I have underlined words and emphasize them boldly, the paths to dwell. I have italicized my own words to differentiate from bible passages while bringing AbbA’s messages.

If you don’t believe my word, then you don’t believe in the bible’s word, because my thoughts and opinions come from reading the bible for myself. Therefore, read AbbA Israelites – God’s Plan for yourself, and gain knowledge to make a righteous decision about you and God. Understand God’s Plan will take you the real paths to gain your inheritance from God, and everlasting life, both now and forever.

AbbA Israelites - God's Plan

SKU: 364215375135191

6 Book Discount

  • AbbA Israelites - God's Plan is to have us restore the Sabbath, and keep Earth as Zion, so we can inherit eternal life on Earth, in the flesh, both now and forever.

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